In the history of horror cinema, the slasher has remained one of the most popular and enduring subgenres to date. While The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Black Christmas are credited for starting the trend, Halloween popularized the genre. However, it wasn’t until the release of Sean S. Cunningham’s Friday the 13th in 1980 that the floodgates opened. Following its success, numerous studios tried to capitalize on it with their own slasher films that exploited the trends. These often followed a similar pattern: young people isolated, a masked killer, tons of blood, and some nudity. Critics at the time were none too kind to these films, but many of them achieved financial success. Even many of the lesser-known slashers have gone on to become beloved cult films that continue to find an audience. With many prominent slashers have been released in 1981, FilmNerd presents the Summer of Slashers.


*Note: I’ve previously covered Happy Birthday to Me, My Bloody Valentine, and Graduation Day, so those won’t be covered for Summer of Slashers.

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